Friday, March 21, 2014

sea monster


                                   sea monster

As I slowly walked out onto the rocks to get ready to go for a dive I spotted a hideous creature looking at me.

I walked closer  to it and it justed stared at me with its brown beady eyes. it rough mud like back shone in the sun.His razor sharp teeth pointed right at me and they were also grotty .  Its mouth stayed open at all times because his teeth were so big.

it flops around and  swims very fast away from predators. it chomps anything in front of it.  if I was you I would keep away from this creature just in case its meat eating sharp teeth might bite your head off and rip you into pieces.

I wondered if it would swim away.
I decided not to go for a dive. I could still smell it hanging around a meter
away. so I slowly walked back. I looked out and wondered if it was back with its family. I guess I  will never know.

sabre tooth boar fish.jpg

Friday, March 14, 2014

Internet Facts

We have made a presentation to teach others about the internet. We got the information by reading a school journal.

Protect Your Ears

This poster is to teach people  how to protect there ears. We had a visitor that came in. After she had finished we decide to  make  posters to tell people to keep there ears safe This is my poster. I learnt about wax and why it is there and the 3 and the smallest  bones are in your ears.This is my poster to keep your ears safe.